Take these Steps to Maintain a Perfect Pool all season long.
A pool filled with cloudy water equals no fun. Fortunately there's a pool-care strategy-- Circulation, Filtration, Cleaning, Testing, Chemistry--that equals a beautiful Swimming Pool season. Here's all you need to know:
- Circulation- Algae and bacteria love it when your water isn't in motion. Why? Still water gives them as chance to take hold and grow. Best bet: Keep your water circulating 10 hours or more during the day.
- Filtration- Your pool's filter stops all that big stuff--leaves, sticks-- and the invisible things too. But no filter can function properly without backwashing and chemical cleaning. Ask your local BioGuard dealer to help you establish a filter cleaning schedule.
- Cleaning- Those quiet nooks and crannies in your pool --those are also the places that algae and bacteria seek out. That's why brushing and vacuuming that walls and floor once a week pays such dividends.
- Testing- Lots of things affect the water in your pool besides swimmers, including weather and product applications. Monitoring the pH and active sanitizer levels two or three times a week helps you adjust the chemicals to deal with all those factors. To ensure sparkling water, bring a sample in today for a free water test.
- Chemistry- Maintaining your pool, its equipment and your beautiful water requires proper water treatment. That's why a BioGuard dealer is so essential. Ask your BioGuard Dealer for the best regular care schedule for your pool.
*Information above from BioGuard Backyard Essentials Magazine
Sunshine Pool and Spa is your local BioGuard dealer. Stop in today with any questions.
Don't forget about our Weekly Pool Maintenance Services.
Everyone must remember that step by step they should follow all the above mentioned points. Its easy to create pool but really difficult to maintain. You should have sufficient knowledge or money to maintain swimming pool.
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